Garden Walls
The weather in Australia can be unpredictable – scorching hot one minute, downpour the next. This can make it difficult to grow and maintain a lush, green garden – and that’s where we come in!
Here at Glimpse Oz, we offer a variety of artificial garden panels suited for a number of different applications – no maintenance required and lush all year round.
These artificial plants are affordable, easy-to-install and have the aesthetic and security appeals of living plants. You can use them to redecorate your outdoor space – whether it’s a large backyard or a small balcony, disguise an unappealing wall or fence, increase privacy and add a touch of nature to your interior.
All products are designed to look completely natural, whilst saving your time and energy on maintenance. High quality materials ensure that your artificial plants are completely waterproof and long-lasting. No trimming, no watering, no fertilising, no nothing!